Friday, February 7, 2014

Your Science Valentine


I hope everyone has been safe and warm these past few weeks with all of these snow days we’ve been having!

Last weekend, we had our camp registration day to kick of the start of signups for summer camp! It’s never too early to sign up, so if you are interested in signing up for camp – for one week, a few weeks, or all of them! – give us a call and register today!

Here at the museum we are planning our holiday programs for the week of February break.  These programs are a fun way for kids to spend their days off from school.  Each program has a theme, and from the time children are dropped off at 10am, to when they are picked up at 3pm, we have lots of science activities and demonstrations for a fun-filled day of learning.  There are still spots left in our February programs, so call and register today before it’s too late!
Also, in honor of Valentine’s day coming up, I wanted to share an interesting fact.  It has been said that wedding rings are worn on the left ring finger because it is the only finger with a vein that leads directly to the heart – this is an ancient myth and is actually not anatomically correct.  The vein in your ring finger, along with the veins in all of your other fingers, is connected to a network of veins throughout your hand and arm.  All of the veins in your arm eventually connect to the subclavian vein (there is one of these on each side of your body, just behind your collar bones) and both of these connect to still larger veins that eventually join at the superior vena cava.  The vena cava is the only vein that technically connects directly to the heart, because it is the vein through which all of your blood enters the heart before it is sent to the lungs to collect oxygen.

Hopefully you enjoyed that short anatomy lesson, have a very happy Valentine’s day!
