On Saturday, April 12th we held our first family
membership event of the year. The event
was centered on Kite Flying. When we
picked the date we figured spring would be a lovely time of year to do this
sort of event. Unbeknown to us the date
we picked actually coincided with National Kite Flying Month which runs from
the end of March to the beginning of May.
The day also ended up being the beautiful spring day we were hoping for.
The Giordano family holding the Kite they won. |
Families that attended were treated to a brief lesson on the
history of kites and how they fly. I was
very impressed by how much some of the children really knew about how kites
were used for science. They were able to
tell me about Benjamin Franklin using a kite to discover lightning as a type of
electricity and the Wright Brothers using kites as a model for the first
Each child received a kite that they could decorate and
build to attempt to fly outside on our preserve plus an extra already designed
one to fly at a later date. Most
families took advance of the spring-like temperatures and spent at least an
hour outside taking their kite out for a whirl in the wind. Everyone that I spoke to seemed to have a
wonderful time at the event learning something new about kites and being able
to take their own kites own to try at the park or preserve.
If you are a member of the Science Museum of Long Island or
looking to become one, keep checking our website and emails for another event
coming later in the year. The staff had
such a great time at the Kite Flying Event with all of the families that we are
hopefully looking to put another event together for some time around
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