Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Family Kite Day Event

On Saturday, April 12th we held our first family membership event of the year.  The event was centered on Kite Flying.  When we picked the date we figured spring would be a lovely time of year to do this sort of event.  Unbeknown to us the date we picked actually coincided with National Kite Flying Month which runs from the end of March to the beginning of May.  The day also ended up being the beautiful spring day we were hoping for.

The Giordano family holding the Kite they won.
Families that attended were treated to a brief lesson on the history of kites and how they fly.  I was very impressed by how much some of the children really knew about how kites were used for science.  They were able to tell me about Benjamin Franklin using a kite to discover lightning as a type of electricity and the Wright Brothers using kites as a model for the first airplane.   

Each child received a kite that they could decorate and build to attempt to fly outside on our preserve plus an extra already designed one to fly at a later date.  Most families took advance of the spring-like temperatures and spent at least an hour outside taking their kite out for a whirl in the wind.  Everyone that I spoke to seemed to have a wonderful time at the event learning something new about kites and being able to take their own kites own to try at the park or preserve. 

If you are a member of the Science Museum of Long Island or looking to become one, keep checking our website and emails for another event coming later in the year.  The staff had such a great time at the Kite Flying Event with all of the families that we are hopefully looking to put another event together for some time around September. 


P.S. Follow us on Facebook@ www.facebook.com/sciencemuseumli or Twitter @ LISMLI
Also add us on Instagram @ instagram.com/sciencemuseumoflongisland

Friday, April 11, 2014

Spring is Here!!

Hello Fellow Scientists!

The weather is finally starting to warm up, and butterfly season is here! Any former student of mine knows that I really love bugs, so of course I’m very excited that spring is finally here. Throughout the next few months, schools will be coming in to participate in our butterfly program. Students will learn how these amazing critters transform themselves from tiny caterpillars, to beautiful butterflies via metamorphosis.

Of course the best part of this program is the fact that all participants leave the class as new parents of an adorable caterpillar! What better way to learn about the life cycle of an animal than by caring for one of your own. Students will watch as their caterpillar grows each day, enters its chrysalis and emerges ten days later as a Painted Lady Butterfly.

Butterfly classes aren’t the only thing SMLI is preparing for though. Our next weeklong session of holiday programs is right around the corner! The week of April 14th-April 18th will be filled with outdoor adventures, shelter building, our annual egg-drop challenge, encounters with the museums animals and more. Parents can register their kids to attend any one (or even all!) of these programs, my personal favorite being our Buried Treasure program. Kids will learn navigation skills and work together using compasses to discover some hidden treasure! I hope to see you there!

If you are interested in attending any of our exciting holiday workshops next week simply give a call at (516) 627-9400 ext. 10 or visit our website at www.smli.org and submit a
program request form.

-       -Caitlin

P.S. Follow us on Facebook@ www.facebook.com/sciencemuseumli or Twitter @ LISMLI
Also add us on Instagram @ instagram.com/sciencemuseumoflongisland